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Hill's Science Diet Adult 7+ Healthy Cuisine Roasted Chicken, Carrots & Spinach Stew combines the delicious flavors of roasted chicken and tender vegetables in a succulent stew --- canned dog food with the perfect balance of taste and nutrition for your dog.Adult 7+ food made with high quality ingredients to ensure optimal nutrient absorption to keep your dog fit and healthy. High-quality protein for lean muscles Made with purposeful ingredients for a flavorful, nutritious meal Easy to digest Formulated with Key nutrients to support your pet’s stage of life Balanced minerals for heart & kidney health Designed for the nutritional...
Hill's Science Diet Adult 7+ Healthy Cuisine Roasted Chicken, Carrots & Spinach Stew combines the delicious flavors of roasted chicken and tender vegetables in a succulent stew --- canned dog food with the perfect balance of taste and nutrition for your dog.
Adult 7+ food made with high quality ingredients to ensure optimal nutrient absorption to keep your dog fit and healthy.